#+title: create-license This package aims at providing a convenient way of creating a license file for your projects. It stores common known licenses in a specific directory on your machine and allows you to quickly put them in your projects. * Usage To interactively pull a stored license in the current directory, run =M-x create-license=. To initialize your license storage with the default license list, run =M-x create-license-download-common=. To customize the installed licenses, see =create-license-common=. * Installation This packages in not available in any common repository yet. You have to get it at https://tristanriehs.fr/git/create-license.git. If you use [[https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el][straight]], you can use the following piece of configuration : #+begin_src emacs-lisp (straight-use-package 'create-license :repo "https://tristanriehs.fr/git/create-license.git") #+end_src